Saturday, November 21, 2009

Increasing City Costs

Union contracts are progressing. Even before the vote on the Police Contract on Monday, November, 23, 2009 in City Council, the Mayor has announced that the Police Department has requested a fact finder hearing. The date is set for December, 7, 2009. The Fire Department fact finding is scheduled for Tuesday, November 24. The American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees union (AFSCME) which represents city employees other than the Police and Fire Departments, had their third meeting with the Administration last Friday, the 20th, and announced suspension of bargaining until they see how the Fire Department makes out in their fact finding session. City Council, at this writing, has no clue as to what AFSCME is requesting but if the past month is any indication, you can bet it is going to be expensive.

How did we get to this point? The difference is in experience. The union advisers are professional union negotiators. The City does not have the experience in contract negotiation. Maybe there are different motivations involved, different priorities. One thing for sure, the welfare of the New Philadelphia citizen is not on the top of the list.

Total unemployment in Ohio has now reached 16.1%. Home foreclosures are growing daily. Food banks are serving record numbers of folks not able to meet daily food requirements. City tax revenues have fallen $352,735 this year and there are still two months yet to be reported.

The unions do not take this into consideration in the new contracts. Their consideration is self-serving. They demand pay increases of up to nine percent, fifteen percent when you include benefits, at a time when other municipalities are taking cuts and facing layoffs.

And so the lines are drawn between city workers, who believe the City owes them wages which are greater than 51% of those New Philadelphia families they serve and those who feel the obligation to protect tax payers from the increased tax burden which is waiting in the wings.

Public service or self service? City Workers, the Administration, and City Council must decide.

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