Sunday, October 31, 2010

Computer Vote Fraud Is A Growing Problem

Election Day, November 2, is when people go to the polls to vote their choices for who will represent them in national, state, county, and local offices, as well as for various levies, taxes, and various other issues and referendums. Vote they will, but will their votes be counted the way they are cast?

There are an alarming number of “voting machine errors” being reported around the country. Nevada, North Carolina, Florida, Arizona, Colorado, and Washington have all reported recurring improperly cast votes with electronic voting machines.

These “errors” have a consistent trend. In cases reported thus far, computer voting machines in some locations have not properly recorded the wishes of voters as entered on the touch screens. Commonly what occurs are votes for one candidate, or party, being incorrectly recorded by the machine for the opposition.

In Clark County, Nevada, for example, where Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) is running for his Senate seat against Sharon Angle (R), voters have reported, and had confirmed, that Reid’s name was already checked on the computer ballot when it appeared on the screen. In other cases, votes cast for Angle changed spontaneously to indicate the vote was cast for Reid.

Clark County Registrar of Voters Larry Lomax said there was no voter fraud, although issues do come up as the touch screens are sensitive. For that reason, Lomax said, a person may not want to have their fingers linger too long on the screens after they make a selection. Complaining voters disagree, stating that no matter how they, or election officials, tried to record the proper vote by touch screen, it was only accomplished with many tries and much difficulty.

Voter fraud of this type can, and does, occur when technicians who program the computers modify the program, a simple task, to change the results of your vote. It is quick and simple for a knowledgeable technician and easily goes unnoticed if you are not aware the problem may exist.

With this in mind, it is strongly suggested that when you cast your vote using a computer, you check closely to make sure that your vote is recorded as you cast it. If you have any doubt as to the correct recording of your vote, call an election judge before you close the screen. Once you had directed the computer to record the vote, it cannot be changed.

This is your election. Do not allow your vote to be stolen. Carefully check to be sure your vote is recorded as you desire.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ninth Circuit Court Overthrows Law Requiring Citizenship For Voting

If you don’t believe your liberty is in jeopardy, think again. If you think the Judicial Branch of the United States government is going to protect you by enforcing the United States Constitution, think again. If you think the Obama administration is going to prevent the overthrow of our country by foreign powers, think again.

On Tuesday, the 26th of October, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals invalidated Arizona’s Proposition 200 which was passed in 2004. Proposition 200 required Arizona voters to produce proof of citizenship to register to vote and produce photo identification, or two pieces of non-photo identification, to actually cast a ballot in any Arizona election. What the Court of Appeals did was open the voting booths to anyone who walks in, with no restrictions, no proof of citizenship.

In the first four years Proposition 200 was in effect,, 30,000 aliens were prevented from registering to vote in Arizona. The Ninth Circuit Court, in defiance of the United States Constitution, made it possible for anybody, Mexican illegals, Muslim terrorists, Guatemalan illegals, anybody, to vote in elections for candidates at any level of government, from dog catcher to the President of the United States, without proof of citizenship.

Should this be a surprise? Not when you consider Maine which, by executive order, has forbidden officials to ask anybody what their citizenship is. (See the October 5 blog, Non-Citizens May Be Permitted to Vote In Maine Elections.) Next on the list of states to be sold out by the judicial system will probably be Georgia, the only other state with a citizenship mandate requirement for registration and voting.

A joint statement by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer and Secretary of State Ken Bennett, both Republicans, called the ruling "an outrage and a slap in the face to all Arizonans who care about the integrity of their elections."

In the mistaken and misguided effort to increase the number of people taking part in the electoral process, the courts and state and local election boards have relaxed the requirements for voting to the point where balloting by non-citizens is permitted with little, if any, confirmation of the legitimacy of the applicant to vote. The result is an unprecedented increase of fraudulent voting in elections at all levels.

In recent elections, including this one, we have seen groups like Acorn flooding the system with fraudulent registrations, felons voting, people going to the polls to vote for one candidate only to find the computer screen has already cast a ballot for the other, or to find someone has already cast a ballot, absentee or otherwise, in their name.

Voting registration should not be easy in these times when the continued existence of the United States is at stake. The Constitution requires citizenship, proven, undeniable proof of citizenship, to vote in the United States.

Voting is a privilege which comes with citizenship. Voting is a part of the American tradition which was bought with the blood of Americans, not illegals from Mexico or other foreign countries. The right to vote was not purchased by liberals on the left who want to impose their socialist ideals on United States citizens. It was wrenched by the common man from the monarchs of the British Empire. It was preserved by citizens who died in battles around the world and twice saved it from dictatorships. No court ever gave the United States of America its freedom. It was won and preserved by the common man, not the lawyer.

Wake up, America. You are losing your liberty and freedom. Make the decision now. Will you submit to the tyranny of those who will take your liberty from you or will you decide that freedom is worth the price of self-sacrifice, even to death if necessary?

Do not accept decisions such as those made by the Ninth Circuit Court passively. Be prepared to defend the United States Constitution from all enemies, both within and without.

There is no longer a neutral ground in the United States. You have to make the choice. Tyranny or freedom. The first is free, the second is not. Are you willing to pay the price?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Kick 'Em Out OnThe Second

November 2 is really close. If you haven't voted ahead of time, make sure you vote. With all the radio and television ads, recorded telephone calls, mail and newspaper advertising, it is hard to know who to believe. Every candidate is either the only one who can save the country or is the cause of all the problems we have past, present and future. There are a few things to consider before you vote.

First, the Congress, Senate and House of Representatives, make the laws. The President can make recommendations as to what he wants, but it is the Congress which decides what legislation is voted on and becomes the law of the land. The President can only approve or disapprove of what the Congress dictates.

The economic problems we have today are the result of congressional legislation which started with the 2006 Congress. When Democrats took control of the of both houses, the Senate and House of Representatives, in 2006 and the economy started to falter in 2007 is not a coincidence. Neither is the fact that the economy is continuing in the the worst depression since the thirties. It is due to legislation passed by the Congress since 2007 which lead to the current economic disaster we are now experiencing. It is pure and simple. Our problems today are the responsibility of the Congress.

The financial difficulties we are experiencing in New Philadelphia, and Ohio, are not going to be solved at the local level. It is impossible for either the city or state to solve the current financial, economic, or employment problems on their own, no matter who is elected locally, unless there is a major change in representation in the United States Congress. The pronouncements of candidates for state and local office that they, no matter which political party, can bring jobs, economic growth, and prosperity to our area are nothing but political promises which are impossible to fulfil.

The only way out of the economic mess Ohio, Tuscarawas County, and New Philadelphia are trapped in is to change our representation in the House and Senate. The incumbents who are running for reelection should be held responsible for what they have done, not credited for their irresponsible actions which have all but destroyed our economy.

On the state and local level, forget the rhetoric which this year's election has brought about. Check the past history of the candidates, where they stand on the issues, if you can sort that out. The claims by both sides, the slurs, the thirty second ads, should all be held in question. The important criteria, the reality of honesty, experience, past history, and integrity of the candidates should be the deciding factors for your vote.

If you get a bad haircut, do you go back to the same barber? If the mechanic doesn't repair the breaks on your car after a number of tries, do you go back? If restaurant serves poorly cooked food, do you go back? Then why reelect someone to Congress who doesn't look out for your interests?

Check out the record of the candidate. What has he really done to make life better for you? If you are not better off than you were six years ago, put the blame where it belongs. Kick the incumbents out who provided you with a 14-trillion dollar national debt for this year alone and a total national debt of 54.7-trillion dollars.

You have one of two choices on November 2. Keep the same Senators and Representatives in the Congress who have ruined the economy and sold the country down the path to ruin, or replace them with new representatives who can effect a change.

Vote. Kick 'em out. Take your country back.

Monday, October 25, 2010

New Philadelphia Law Director Comments On Airport Resolution 47-2010

The front page article in the Times-Reporter this morning, Airport Resolution Ready To Take Flight, raises more questions about the reasons for passage of Resolution 47-2010. If, according to the comments by the Law Director reported in the Times-Reporter article of October 25, 2010, the resolution doesn't make any changes to the operation of the airport, including implementation of the Master Plan, why should it even be on the floor for consideration by New Philadelphia's City Council? To quote the T-R, "Johnson, in his letter of reply to Lautenschleger, added that he doesn't believe the resolution before council at tonight's meeting materially changes the airport commission, the airport or the city's view toward the airport."

Why is City Council pursuing a meaningless piece of legislation when there is more serious business to be attended to? Has the city council become so ineffective that it now spends its time on do-nothing resolutions?

The T-R article also reports, "Taylor said during the Sept. 20 meeting that he no longer was asking council to adopt the master plan because the FAA, which approved the plan in 2007, doesn't officially require council to adopt it." That is true of course, unless he wants the city to accept the plan and pay for it.

The seems to be more to this whole issue than meets the eye. Look out New Philadelphia. We haven't heard the end of this yet.

Friday, October 22, 2010

City Council To Consider Airport Runway Extension and Natural Gas Pricing

On Monday, October 25, 2010, New Philadelphia City Council meets to vote on two important issues, the extension of the city airport runway and a natural gas aggregation program being proposed for the city. These issues will be read Monday evening at the 7:30 PM meeting.

The Airport Master Plan, Resolution 47-2010, started years ago under the previous mayor. A renewed effort by the Airport Commission to extend the runway was begun with the election of a new mayor, Michael Taylor, two years ago which resulted in a move to push the extension through City Council. A resolution drawn up to approve the Airport Master Plan met with heated vocal opposition from residents in the airport area who were in jeopardy of losing their homes and property should the Plan be adopted.

Because of the opposition to adopting the Plan, the Chairman of the Public Works and Economic Development Committee, presented to Council a resolution which stated, “City Council wishes to acknowledge, support and cooperate with the New Philadelphia Airport Commission for the continued operations of the Harry Clever Field as a valuable tool and asset for not only the City of New Philadelphia and Tuscarawas County, Ohio as well.” The wording is open to various interpretations, one of which would permit the Airport Commission to unilaterally approve the proposed Airport Master Plan.

As opposition continues unabated to the runway extension, on Monday one can suspect another change in wording, which will sound better but still leave the issue of a runway extension open for discussion. Runway extension should be discussed openly by City Council but without the omissions, half-truths, and misleading statements which have been made in Committee and on the Council floor. Candidness would be nice.

If Resolution 47-2010 is to show appreciation for past efforts made by the Airport Commission, a simple thank you is sufficient. A resolution or ordinance is not required.

Then there is the matter of the gas aggregation which will have its first reading Monday. The City was approached by Buckeye Energy Brokers, Inc. requesting permission to act as a broker representative for the City of New Philadelphia. Buckeye Energy Brokers would research existing natural gas suppliers who provide gas in the New Philadelphia area and provide the City with natural gas for a cheaper price. The price paid by the City for natural gas would be made available to other gas users in the city, if they contracted with the same supplier contracted with by the City.

Buckeye Energy Brokers are just that, brokers. They have no gas to sell. They represent existing gas suppliers the same way a real estate broker represents someone who wants to sell their home or other property.

Who does Buckeye really represent? Buckeye’s main interest is the commission, the money that comes from the gas supplier as a finder’s fee. Could there be a possibility that Buckeye’s supplier recommendation may be related to the commission?

When asked during a meeting the price of the gas being quoted, the answer was not forthcoming, nor was the name of the recommended gas supplier. Neither the Special/Contact Committee Chairman, nor the Mayor, were able to supply information on these important pieces of information.

When asked what other natural gas suppliers were contacted, the Mayor replied that no other supplier had called him. This makes no sense. The proper way to conduct city purchasing is to obtain at least three bids. We do that for car repairs, insurance companies demand it. The Service Director should have made such inquiries as a matter of course.

A contract which guarantees a specified number of years commitment with the gas supplier, unknown at this writing, is required of the City. The Mayor and Special/Contact Committee Chairman have been unable to provide what this commitment will be. The procedure and cost, should the City choose to opt out of the proposed commitment, was not known by either.

It has been reported that the City has a contract with an unnamed gas supplier. Confirmation or denial by Administration officials has not been forthcoming. If this is true, what will be the cost of reneging on that contract? We should be told who that supplier is, and the terms of that contract, before we enter into another.

Buckeye Energy Brokers insists the deal must be closed before October 31, 2010. We’re not sure why, but that’s the deadline, so City Council must act on an emergency basis this coming Monday. Sounds like a TV ad. “Send your money in for this shiny gizmo and we’ll include a shiny gizmo cleaner at no extra charge. But you have to order within the next 20 minutes because the offer is going to be withdrawn.” It’s a sales pitch as old as gullible people have been around to listen. I have dealt with gas suppliers for years and there is no deadline for start of service. You want gas, they turn it on. Beware the deadline offer. Beware of the last chance to act scenario.

The references Buckeye gave the city were checked, and not surprisingly they looked good to those who checked them. A question of logic – would Buckeye give a reference from anybody who wouldn’t say Buckeye was great. Of course not. Our inquiries to other sources paint a different picture. There is dissatisfaction with the services provided by Buckeye, which, had the advocates of the Buckeye aggregation plan done their due diligence, would have come to light.

Full details of the Buckeye plan are not known. Questions about Buckeye’s recommendations have gone unanswered. The “I’s” have not been dotted, the “T’s” have not been crossed. Research which should have been done by the Special/Contact Committee has not been done. The City is in close to buying into a plan of which little is known. As grandma used to say, “Act in haste, repent at leisure.”

These two unneeded resolutions have nothing to commend their passage by City Council. Ample opportunity has been given for an honest open discussion on both. The proponents of both did not present an overriding reason for their implementation. The Administration and the City Council Committees which sponsored both resolutions have failed to make their case. City Council should deny passage of both.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Recommends Inflation To Solve Depression

Unemployment stands at 17.1-percent. Homes are being foreclosed on. Family incomes are falling. Small businesses are closing, large businesses have cut back on expansion. The national debt is soaring, standing at more than $13.6 trillion. The federal budget deficit exceeds $1,357 trillion and is climbing. The trade deficit has reached $502.5 billion dollars, up 34% from last year. The value of the U.S. Dollar is declining. And then there’s Ben Bernanke.

Mr. Bernanke is the chairman of the Federal Reserve System. He controls the interest rates charged to banks which borrow money from the Federal Reserve and in turn loan it to businesses and individuals who need it.If Bernanke decides that the cost of living is expanding too quickly, that’s called inflation, he raises the interest rate of the money the Federal Reserve loans which slows spending down, as who wants to pay high interest rates on the money they borrow? Remember the 20% interest rates back in the 80s? If he wants to speed spending up, he lowers the interest rate and, hopefully, people and businesses will borrow more, spend more, and keep the economy rolling along.

Well, last Friday Bernanke decided that he should do something about the depression which started when the Democrats took control of the congress four years ago. He thought that Obama spending billions of dollars on programs to get people back to work wasn’t working, remember those shovel ready jobs which weren’t. What we need, he said, is to get an inflation started in the economy. Inflation. That is when prices for everything go up. He is worried, you see, that inflation rates are too low. So he wants to make some adjustments in the economy to increase the inflation rate upward, to make everything more expensive. His logic is that if things cost more, there will be more money for investment, a income for businesses, more money for taxes, and an end to the recession.

The cost of living increased by 1.1% in September. That’s not good enough, should be higher, Bernanke said. Obviously he looks at things from a different viewpoint than any of the folks on fixed incomes. He obviously doesn’t relate with the 54-million people on social security, nor is he concerned, apparently, with the 15-million people who are unemployed.He also doesn’t relate to business owners, large and small, who have cut back on what makes the economy really grow. Hiring is down. Investment is down. Construction is down. That’s true, according to Bernanke. His solution, however, is to make things more expensive rather than less.

But where is the money to do this to come from? Simple. Just turn on the printing presses at the Treasury Department, print more paper money which won't be backed by any real financial reserve, watch the value of the dollar drop, and let the good times roll.

Mr. Bernanke’s credentials are impressive, but as with most government and political figures, his education is incomplete. He lacks the one essential quality of good management, street smart. He does not know the reality of actually operating a business, or living on an income of less than $25,000 a year, as do 45% of working people. How can he relate to business concerns when his experience has been limited to academics and government? How can he understand the plight of the 75% of workers who earn less than $50,000 a year when his salary at the Federal Reserve puts him into the 6% of the population making in excess of $100,000 a year? He is in the position of the aeronautical engineer who can design an airplane, has never flown one, and is called upon to land a 747 because the pilot passed out.

Mr. Ben Bernanke missed an opportunity to make a major contribution to ending the depression we are in. The answer is not in increasing costs by inducing inflation. The answer, as Mr. Bernanke’s history books will tell him, is for the government to cut spending, decrease taxes, and get out of the way of American business.

America was not built on government control and subsidies. It was built on risk taking by people who invested their money in hopes of making a profit. Bernanke should advise the President and Congress, the surest way to economic recovery is for government to quit trying to control business. What is needed is less control, less taxes, and letting free enterprise and capitalism take control again. He is a highly educated and respected economist. Maybe the Obama group would listen. But then Bernnanke is a bureaucrat, a politician, a theorist without the street smarts.

“If you lay all the economists end to end they would point in all directions” - Harry S. Truman.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Obama's Plan to Subvert the U.S. Constitution

A retired Constitutional lawyer has read the entire proposed health care bill. Read his conclusions and pass this on as you wish. This is stunning.

The Truth About the Health Care Bills
Michael Connelly, Ret. Constitutional Attorney

Well, I have done it! I have read the entire text of proposed House Bill 3200: The Affordable Health Care Choices Act of 2009. I studied it with particular emphasis from my area of expertise, constitutional law. I was frankly concerned that parts of the proposed law that were being discussed might be unconstitutional. What I found was far worse than what I had heard or expected

To begin with, much of what has been said about the law and its implications is in fact true, despite what the Democrats and the media are saying. The law does provide for rationing of health care, particularly where senior citizens and other classes of citizens are involved, free health care for illegal immigrants, free abortion services, and probably forced participation in abortions by members of the medical profession

The Bill will also eventually force private insurance companies out of business, and put everyone into a government run system. All decisions about personal health care will ultimately be made by federal bureaucrats, and most of them will not be health care professionals. Hospital admissions, payments to physicians, and allocations of necessary medical devices will be strictly controlled by the government

However, as scary as all of that is, it just scratches the surface. In fact, I have concluded that this legislation really has no intention of providing affordable health care choices. Instead it is a convenient cover for the most massive transfer of power to the Executive Branch of government that has ever occurred, or even been contemplated If this law or a similar one is adopted, major portions of the Constitution of the United States will effectively have been destroyed

The first thing to go will be the masterfully crafted balance of power between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the U.S. Government. The Congress will be transferring to the Obama Administration authority in a number of different areas over the lives of the American people, and the businesses they own

The irony is that the Congress doesn't have any authority to legislate in most of those areas to begin with! I defy anyone to read the text of the U.S. Constitution and find any authority granted to the members of Congress to regulate health care

This legislation also provides for access, by the appointees of the Obama administration, of all of your personal health care direct violation of the specific provisions of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution information, your personal financial information, and the information of your employer, physician, and hospital. All of this is a protecting against unreasonable searches and seizures. You can also forget about the right to privacy. That will have been legislated into oblivion regardless of what the 3rd and 4th Amendments may provide

If you decide not to have health care insurance, or if you have private insurance that is not deemed acceptable to the Health Choices Administrator appointed by Obama, there will be a tax imposed on you. It is called a tax instead of a fine because of the intent to avoid application of the due process clause of the 5th Amendment. However, that doesn't work because since there is nothing in the law that allows you to contest or appeal the imposition of the tax, it is definitely depriving someone of property without the due process of law.

So, there are three of those pesky amendments that the far left hate so much, out the original ten in the Bill of Rights, that are effectively nullified by this law It doesn't stop there though.

The 9th Amendment that provides: The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people;

The 10th Amendment states: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are preserved to the States respectively, or to the people. Under the provisions of this piece of Congressional handiwork neither the people nor the states are going to have any rights or powers at all in many areas that once were theirs to control.

I could write many more pages about this legislation, but I think you get the idea. This is not about health care; it is about seizing power and limiting rights... Article 6 of the Constitution requires the members of both houses of Congress to "be bound by oath or affirmation to support the Constitution." If I was a member of Congress I would not be able to vote for this legislation or anything like it, without feeling I was violating that sacred oath or affirmation. If I voted for it anyway, I would hope the American people would hold me accountable.

For those who might doubt the nature of this threat, I suggest they consult the source, the US Constitution, and Bill of Rights. There you can see exactly what we are about to have taken from us.

Michael Connelly
Retired attorney
Constitutional Law Instructor
Carrollton, Texas

(Ed Note: Article was originally published on September 2, 2009, by Michael Connelly on his personal website,

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Zack Space and Solar Panels

According to the Times-Reporter, Zack Space announced the construction of the largest solar farm in the United States will be built in Muskingum County, Ohio.

Solar energy works well for the production of electricity and heating of water. It is used in the southwest with success. Solar panel generation of electricity and water heating is not effective at night or under low light levels, so an alternative source of power is required. The alternative sources are, of course, coal, oil, and/or natural gas.

According to Space, as reported by the T-R, 600 jobs could be created by the construction of this solar farm. This would include 300 engineering and design jobs, 300 more in the manufacturing of the solar panels. Engineering and design jobs disappear when the engineering and design of the panels is done. So those 300 jobs are a temporary increase in employment for Ohio, if that is where the engineering and design will be done.

Manufacturing jobs present a different situation, one which evidently was not disucssed by Space, at least not reported in the media. The media names two companies, Prius Energy S.L. and Isofoton, as the contractors for some 240,000 panels needed for the project. Haven't heard of them? No surprise. These companies are located in Spain, not the United States. According to Space, the companies should break ground on the plants next year.

But why not use United States manufacturers? We sure have them here. Why is it necessary to go to an overseas manufacturer when the job can be done by an American company? The United States has the knowledge, manufacturing capability, and experience to do the job. Why go to an overseas business instead of using facilities in this country?

Mr. Space should address the issue of why an overseas company was been selected to provide materials which could be manufactured by a United States company? Why send the money to Europe when we need it here at home? Isn't this the same Zack Space who supposedly wants to strengthen the U.S. economy?

Space announced the construction of a solar energy project "could be the stepping stone to create literally thousands of jobs in southeastern and eastern Ohio," is certainly open to question. His past actions do not exhibit the knowledge of how a free economy functions as shown the devistation he created by his support and votes for Obamacare and Cap and Trade

The solar farm facility may be a good thing for Ohio, that remains to be seen. Representative Space may have been instrumental in getting this project started, or he may be taking advantage of a situation "too good to waste." This is an election year. What are the chances that the timing of this announcement was politically motivated?

Space is a politician caught in an election year where the incumbants are in jeopardy. Listen to what Candidate Space has to say, then compare that with what Representative Space has done. The measure of a man is not in what he says, but in what he does. Dr. Phil said it best: The best indicator of what someone will do in the future is what he has done in the past."

This election is literally the most important in our lifetimes. The future of the United States, its freedom and liberty is at stake. Protect yourself, your family, your country. Know who and what you are voting for. It is your future. Vote.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Non-Citizens May Be Permitted to Vote In Maine Elections

Truth is stranger than fiction? If you don’t believe that, consider Portland, Maine. A referendum will be on the ballot in Portland this November to allow non-citizens to vote in the general election. This is insane.

The logic is that since they are living in Portland as legal aliens, are paying taxes, using the city’s services, that they should have a say in how the city is run. It goes deeper than that. Portland, among other things, is a city which offers sanctuary to illegal aliens, along with the State of Maine as a whole. While this is one more step in the destroying of the United States of America this action is not really surprising. as after all, it is Maine.

In April of 2004 Maine’s Governor John Badacci issued an Executive Order, “An Order Concerning Access to State Services by All Entitled Maine Residents”, making Maine the first sanctuary state in the US. Under his executive order, state employees are forbidden to ask about anybody’s immigration status. Because of this, illegal aliens, from any country, have unlimited access to all the privileges enjoyed by citizens of the United States, including the right to vote, driver’s licenses, welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, subsidized housing, in-state college tuitions, you name it. These, along with other benefits offered by Maine are denied to American citizens who reside outside of Maine. The bottom line is that illegal aliens are free to sneak into Maine and, free from any threat of deportation or criminal prosecution, be supported by the state while planning the overthrow of the United States.

By exempting illegal aliens from the law with an executive order, Maine is in violation of federal immigration laws. Specifically Maine is in violation of United States Code 8, 1325, section 274, 276, 277 and other statutes. It is a federal crime to “aid, abet, assist, encourage or induce an illegal alien to remain in the United States.” Baldacci has left himself open to federal prosecution.

Now then, considering the stand Eric Holder has taken on Arizona’s stand on illegal aliens, he is suing Arizona for enforcing the United States laws on illegal entry into the country, there is nothing to stop the spread of sanctuary cities and states, like Portland, Maine, across the country. As Holder’s position on Arizona is totally political there is no reason to suspect the United States Justice Department will take any action against Maine nor Portland.

The danger which exists is mind boggling, so immense as to be unbelievable. In Maine it is now illegal to question someone who is registering to vote about his citizenship. It is possible, probable, that illegal aliens may vote in national elections. Portland is setting the precedent for this with the referendum appearing on their ballot this November. With the questionable tactics used by organizations such as ACORN, federal, state and local elections may be decided by a new voter bloc composed of illegal aliens in the United States.

It is time that the United States government lives up to its constitutional obligations and protects its citizens from enslavement by foreign nationals who are literally invading it. In towns and cities, large and small, law enforcement departments are not protecting their citizens from the infiltration of illegal aliens. It is the responsibility of government, from federal to city level, to arrest and prosecute anybody who is not legally in the United States. This is not being done and the results are bankrupting our country from both financial and security standpoints.

Wake up America! We are losing our freedom, liberty, security, and identity. We are being sold out by our President, our Congress, our appointed officials, our state, county, and city officials. Our country is being destroyed from within. Wake up and become involved.

On November 2, vote, and when you do, vote those candidates who will support out country. Vote for those who believe our republic is worth saving. Reject the special interest politicians who are self-centered and care only for the power, prestige, and financial gain the receive as politicians. Vote for the good of America.

Friday, October 1, 2010

How the Obama Tax Hikes Affect Your Bottom Line

In 1819 Chief Justice John Marshall stated, “An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy; because there is a limit beyond which no institution and no property can bear taxation.”

With the Obama tax hikes, we are fast approaching that limit.

The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Data Analysis has compiled statistics demonstrating the catastrophic implications of this tax increase as the economy struggles to recover. In 2011, the first year of the new tax rates, the tax hikes will result in an estimated 238,000 fewer jobs and $40 billion less in total GDP. Fast forward to 2016, five years after the tax hikes: there will be over 800,000 jobs lost and a $135 billion loss to GDP in that year alone.

The Obama tax hikes will not just hurt the “wealthy,” as progressives would have you believe. The new tax rates will have a ripple effect throughout the entire economy.

•Mississippi, which has the lowest average household income in America, will lose 5,911 jobs annually, and each household will have $1,818 less in personal disposable income.
•Maryland, which has the highest-earning households in the United States, will lose an average of 13,983 jobs annually and will have $6,848 less in personal disposable income.
The Heritage Foundation has also measured the impact of the Obama tax hikes on individual states and Congressional districts. Find out how the tax hikes affect you and your family on

Liberals often call the Obama tax hikes an end to “the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.” This is a fallacy that the Left has created in order to disguise the truth: taxes are increasing for the people and businesses that are creating jobs during a massive recession

In a piece on National Review Online’s The Corner, Heritage’s JD Foster explains:

More importantly for getting the economy kick-started, those higher rates will fall on the gazelles, those small businesses ready and able to grow rapidly — if they have the incentives, and if they have the cash. Higher tax rates on the gazelles, those small businesses that really matter to job creation, weaken incentives and drain cashflow. Higher tax rates on the gazelles are a real kick in the teeth.

“The average non-farm small business filing through the individual income tax code would see a tax increase of about $3,500,” the Center for Data Analysis report found. “Not only successful businesses would be hurt, although they would be hurt the most. Even firms with losses could face a tax increase, for example on capital gains, dividend, or carry-over income.”

Most economists agree with the Heritage Foundation’s findings. In a new poll conducted by, 60 percent of economists favor a continuation of tax rates as they currently stand.

Sen. Joe Lieberman (ID-CT) put it well in a speech to the Stamford Chamber of Commerce: “The surest way for Congress to help bring about a double-dip recession is to allow taxes to be raised on anyone during this uncertain economy we are struggling through.”

Heritage’s Center for Data Analysis has proven that “if the price of capital and labor increases through a tax increase, the pace of economic activity will slow down.”

They suggest another plan, whereby Congress will not raise taxes but will instead rein in its overspending to offset the enormous deficits their liberal policies have created.
(The above article by Bethany Murphy was reprinted from the Heratige Foundation,, original publication 9/21/2010.)