Monday, April 5, 2010

The Enemy Within

Sometimes it is difficult to put into words thoughts which live within not only our minds, but also within our hearts. For the past few days I have had this problem, writer's bloc I guess, because or two loves I have. One is freedom. One is country. Today we have reached the point where we are about to lose both.

Our enemy is not from abroad, he is from within. He comes not with guns and bombs of the terrorist, but with promises of a good life made possible by the generosity of the government. Our enemy is in fact the government as it steals our pride, responsibility, and self reliance with lies of its caring, paternalism, and protection. Destroy pride, remove responsibility, break up the family, eliminate religion, and you conquer all.

In her book, Uncle Sam's Plantation, Star Parker relates that she, as a black woman, was trapped in the welfare system. Living in the Watts area of Los Angeles, she was addicted to drugs, an alcoholic, had children by a number of men, had four abortions, and was getting no where. As she tells it, she was in church one Sunday and the pastor laid it on the line. He told the congregation that each and every one had the responsibility for their own lives, their own future, and if not satisfied with their lot, there was no one to blame but themselves. It struck home, she writes, and the following day she went to the welfare office and took herself off the welfare roll. This was not done without a fight. The welfare office at first refused to remove her name, and it was only after a prolonged argument that she succeeded. She started her own business in Watts, was burned out by blacks during the Watts riots, restarted again, and this year is running for the United States Congress in southern California. In her book, she is adamant that the policies of the government are to subjugate poor people into a new kind of slavery, that of government welfare and dependence.

The enemy we are fighting is a government which is striving to enslave us all by controlling our very existence. The mortgage crisis could, and should, have been avoided. The mandate that everyone was entitled to own a home was a dream, but a dream unrelated to any reality. If you can’t make the payments, you are not entitled to own anything. Bad loans were made, many on threats by the government to the banks, the bubble burst, and in order to "protect" homeowners, the government took over the banks, again by threat Did the government learn from this? Evidently not, as it has a new program to help pay mortgages and buy homes for people who still can’t afford the payments. Who does this help? Not people in debt because they are still in debt, but in debt now to the federal government.

The automotive industry was on the verge of bankruptcy. Chrysler and General Motors were in deep trouble. The reasons? Oh, there was competition to be sure from other automobile manufacturers, but costs to Chrysler and GM were soaring. Steel rose to the point that foreign made steel was less expensive than that made in neighboring states. The cost of labor was out of control because of union demands and government made labor laws which prevented true negotiation on wages and benefits. These companies should have moved into bankruptcy and used the ability to start over and renegotiate contracts. The government, in another successful seizure of public properties, "bought" stock in GM and Chrysler and now controls those companies. Two interesting things happened after those government takeovers. Ford is working its way out of its financial problems and is prospering. On the other hand, Toyota, the largest competitor of GM and Chrysler, is being harassed by the federal government for “major, life threatening equipment failures.” Hogwash! The Big Three auto companies have had more severe equipment failures percentage wise in the past which never raised an administration eyebrow. Toyota is experiencing an all out effort by the government to protect GM and Chrysler, and union workers to whom it feels indebted. The full power of the pro-administration media has been unleashed to destroy Toyota. They cite the number of recalls involved and the figures are indeed staggering. It’s not that there are that many malfunctioning cars, it is that Toyota has out sold the Big Three because it made a better product for less money.

For those out of work, the government has increased the length of unemployment compensation, government welfare, if you will. This is certainly going to help. You can see by the figures the number of unemployed who are rushing back to work instead of staying at home and collecting your tax dollars. Give somebody something for nothing and expect them to better themselves? Get real. This is another step to instill in the people of this country a feeling of total dependence on the state for all their needs. Without incentive, folks don’t work. Get paid to stay home, stay home they will. Hungry people work. Those on public welfare don’t. It’s that simple.

Now the government is going to make loans to students. How wonderful. What it will come to is a complete subjugation of not only students, but of curriculums taught at universities and colleges. You want to stay in business, teach as you are told. You want to go to school, follow the wishes and desires of government. Teaching today is for the most part liberal. Follow the party line, don’t make waves, and when you get tenure you can do nothing and eventually retire on a government pension. Want to pass? Don’t worry. If you can’t succeed nobody is going to tell you. Everybody passes. If you are intelligent, motivated, then you worry. School policy is to teach to the least successful and let the motivated fall by the wayside. Failure is not only not an option, it is accepted and mandated.

This is the enemy we are fighting. This is the enemy who is winning. His allies are complacency on the part of the citizen, ignorance brought about by poor education, slavery brought about by laziness and lack of ambition. The leaders of this enemy are those power thirsty politicians who infest our nation, Barry Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Sherrod Brown, and Zack Space, who no longer represent the United States citizen, rather enjoy the power of their positions and want to keep it. A lack of commitment on the part of the citizen put them into power, gave them the ability to steal our freedom, curtail our liberty, and destroy our way of life.

The choice between liberty and slavery, between freedom and communism, lies with each of us. It takes commitment to fight for what we believe. It takes courage to stand against the tyrants who plan and work for the takeover of our country. History is sure in its judgment. Freedom is hard to win, difficult to keep, and easily lost.

Wake up. Communism is just around the corner. Do you want to give your freedom away? If you don’t fight for it, you will. And, as it was in the past, there will be no United States of America to save us.

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