With all the discussion about building the Cordoba mosque at the site of the Twin Tower murders, some things have been lost in the politically correct rhetoric commentary surrounding the issue. We, for one, want to go on record that the mosque is not an issue based on freedom of religion, speech, or any other right supposed to be enjoyed by an American citizen. It is a move by a religious sect, Islam, further the demise of Christianity and the defeat of the United States of America.
The erection of a Cordoba mosque anywhere is the erection of a victory monument in the name of Islam in its fight to control the world. The twin towers mosque will be a symbol of victory as strong as the Arch of Triumph in Paris, the Yorktown Victory Monument, The Perry’s Victory Monument at Put-In-Bay, all of which celebrate victories of epic proportions which changed the world. The proposed Cordoba mosque will celebrate the deaths of 2,995 who died at the hands of Muslim murders in the name of Islam.
Put the rhetoric aside and look at the facts. Feisal Abdul-Rauf, the Muslim front man for the building of the Cordoba mosque, is clear in his purpose for building it at Park Place. Feisal Abdul Rauf is indeed an adherent and promoter of the Muslim Brotherhood’s goals and objectives. Any doubt to his Muslim Brotherhood connections are addressed by the excellent and timely report by Alyssa A. Lappen, which is required reading for factual insight into Abdul Rauf’s link to the Muslim brotherhood
A document, An Explanatory Memorandum, on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America, which came forward during the trial of the United States vs. the Holy Land Foundation, lays it out pretty clearly. The objective of the Muslim Brotherhood is the conversion of the United States into an Islamic nation through sabotage and subterfuge. The memorandum describes the process of settlement as a civilization-Jihadist process, stating that the Ikhwan, Arabic for brothers, must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in “eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within” and “sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
Clearly, according to this document, the objective of the Muslim Brotherhood is to convert the U.S. into an Islamic nation through sabotage and subterfuge. It is a handbook to achieve that end. The author painstakingly describes the process of “settlement,” among others, its meaning, and the methods to be employed. Point 17 of the document clearly illustrates that building Islamic centers equals building military “battalions,” points from which to stage the planned destruction of the West. “And what better place inside our front lines is there but within the perimeter of destruction at Ground Zero?”
This has nothing to do with civil rights. It has to do with the overthrow of the United States and abolishment of Christianity and Judaism. The building of a Cordoba mosque anywhere in the United States will create a training ground for Muslims to take away our freedom, liberty, and lives. Cordoba mosques are monuments to Islam, a religion of non-tolerance, a religion which even today stones dissidents to death, a religion which massacres Christians out of hand. Islam teaches Muslims to kill for the sake of Allah.
Do all Muslims agree with the fanatical leaders of Islam? Only they know with in their hearts. Do they all agree with the victory mosque to be built at the site of the Twin Tower murders? Only they know. But one thing is certain. No matter what religion, organization, country, or group one professes, to belong is to follow the dictates of the leaders. To belong is to believe the principles of the group are correct and should be obeyed.
To accept building a Cordoba Victory Mosque and Muslim terrorist training center in any location in the United States is against all logic. Has our government lost all sense of reality? Or have we not yet discovered the reality that our government has become part of an Islamic take-over of the United States of America?
The erection of a Cordoba mosque anywhere is the erection of a victory monument in the name of Islam in its fight to control the world. The twin towers mosque will be a symbol of victory as strong as the Arch of Triumph in Paris, the Yorktown Victory Monument, The Perry’s Victory Monument at Put-In-Bay, all of which celebrate victories of epic proportions which changed the world. The proposed Cordoba mosque will celebrate the deaths of 2,995 who died at the hands of Muslim murders in the name of Islam.
Put the rhetoric aside and look at the facts. Feisal Abdul-Rauf, the Muslim front man for the building of the Cordoba mosque, is clear in his purpose for building it at Park Place. Feisal Abdul Rauf is indeed an adherent and promoter of the Muslim Brotherhood’s goals and objectives. Any doubt to his Muslim Brotherhood connections are addressed by the excellent and timely report by Alyssa A. Lappen, which is required reading for factual insight into Abdul Rauf’s link to the Muslim brotherhood
A document, An Explanatory Memorandum, on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America, which came forward during the trial of the United States vs. the Holy Land Foundation, lays it out pretty clearly. The objective of the Muslim Brotherhood is the conversion of the United States into an Islamic nation through sabotage and subterfuge. The memorandum describes the process of settlement as a civilization-Jihadist process, stating that the Ikhwan, Arabic for brothers, must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in “eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within” and “sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
Clearly, according to this document, the objective of the Muslim Brotherhood is to convert the U.S. into an Islamic nation through sabotage and subterfuge. It is a handbook to achieve that end. The author painstakingly describes the process of “settlement,” among others, its meaning, and the methods to be employed. Point 17 of the document clearly illustrates that building Islamic centers equals building military “battalions,” points from which to stage the planned destruction of the West. “And what better place inside our front lines is there but within the perimeter of destruction at Ground Zero?”
This has nothing to do with civil rights. It has to do with the overthrow of the United States and abolishment of Christianity and Judaism. The building of a Cordoba mosque anywhere in the United States will create a training ground for Muslims to take away our freedom, liberty, and lives. Cordoba mosques are monuments to Islam, a religion of non-tolerance, a religion which even today stones dissidents to death, a religion which massacres Christians out of hand. Islam teaches Muslims to kill for the sake of Allah.
Do all Muslims agree with the fanatical leaders of Islam? Only they know with in their hearts. Do they all agree with the victory mosque to be built at the site of the Twin Tower murders? Only they know. But one thing is certain. No matter what religion, organization, country, or group one professes, to belong is to follow the dictates of the leaders. To belong is to believe the principles of the group are correct and should be obeyed.
To accept building a Cordoba Victory Mosque and Muslim terrorist training center in any location in the United States is against all logic. Has our government lost all sense of reality? Or have we not yet discovered the reality that our government has become part of an Islamic take-over of the United States of America?
It is little wonder that the Commander-in-Chief of our military salutes or bows to Muslim nations, but not the one over which he presides. He was raised and schooled a Muslim, and it is obvious that is what stuck. I just hope the USA can recover from the damage he is inflicting after he leaves office in 2012. BEFORE 2012 would be preferable, but I don't think Congress has the guts to impeach.