Tuesday, October 18, 2011

An Open Letter to Sherrod Brown

Senator Brown:

The Labor Department reported on Wednesday that U.S. job openings dropped by 157,000 in August to 3.06 million, down from July's downwardly revised 3.21 million, while hiring increased by 38,000 to 4.01 million. Although openings remain well below the 4.4 million at the start of the recession in December of 2007, it's 26% higher than at the end of the recession in June 2009.

Now, ignore the comparisons and look at the raw numbers. What this says to me is that there are over three million job openings in the United States RIGHT NOW that are crying for someone qualified to do them who WANTS to work. No takers.

While I do realize that unfair trade practices and currency manipulation are partially to blame, I also know that entitlements and welfare play an important part, as well, because they make it easier to be unproductive and unmotivated. The bleeding-heart attitude that enables welfare cheats and illegal aliens to steal our hard-earned tax dollars MUST stop, as does the political garbage that enables such a system to exist and flourish in the first place.

We are tired of it, and by the looks of things, nobody is doing anything to right the ship.

If our elected representatives expect to earn our trust and confidence, these things must not only be addressed, but a real solution put forth and adopted.

Obama was elected because people voted for change without understanding what changes were really needed. Obama and his cohorts didn’t understand either. They still don’t, and it doesn’t look to me like they care to learn or do anything about it. I am not impressed. I am insulted.

We will never fix a broken system, a misguided system, by throwing more money at it. We will never spend our way out of debt. We will never develop a more competitive workforce by paying them to do less or to do nothing. Our “leaders” have engaged in those practices for far too long already, and the ship is still in serious disrepair and taking on water.

I have always believed that money is a yardstick of service to people. THIS government is changing that definition, and it is a crying shame. Our federal government needs to be lean and mean, not fat and ugly. The free ice cream must stop.

Have a nice day.

Rod Kirkendall
Dover, Ohio

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