Truth is stranger than fiction? If you don’t believe that, consider Portland, Maine. A referendum will be on the ballot in Portland this November to allow non-citizens to vote in the general election. This is insane.
The logic is that since they are living in Portland as legal aliens, are paying taxes, using the city’s services, that they should have a say in how the city is run. It goes deeper than that. Portland, among other things, is a city which offers sanctuary to illegal aliens, along with the State of Maine as a whole. While this is one more step in the destroying of the United States of America this action is not really surprising. as after all, it is Maine.
In April of 2004 Maine’s Governor John Badacci issued an Executive Order, “An Order Concerning Access to State Services by All Entitled Maine Residents”, making Maine the first sanctuary state in the US. Under his executive order, state employees are forbidden to ask about anybody’s immigration status. Because of this, illegal aliens, from any country, have unlimited access to all the privileges enjoyed by citizens of the United States, including the right to vote, driver’s licenses, welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, subsidized housing, in-state college tuitions, you name it. These, along with other benefits offered by Maine are denied to American citizens who reside outside of Maine. The bottom line is that illegal aliens are free to sneak into Maine and, free from any threat of deportation or criminal prosecution, be supported by the state while planning the overthrow of the United States.
By exempting illegal aliens from the law with an executive order, Maine is in violation of federal immigration laws. Specifically Maine is in violation of United States Code 8, 1325, section 274, 276, 277 and other statutes. It is a federal crime to “aid, abet, assist, encourage or induce an illegal alien to remain in the United States.” Baldacci has left himself open to federal prosecution.
Now then, considering the stand Eric Holder has taken on Arizona’s stand on illegal aliens, he is suing Arizona for enforcing the United States laws on illegal entry into the country, there is nothing to stop the spread of sanctuary cities and states, like Portland, Maine, across the country. As Holder’s position on Arizona is totally political there is no reason to suspect the United States Justice Department will take any action against Maine nor Portland.
The danger which exists is mind boggling, so immense as to be unbelievable. In Maine it is now illegal to question someone who is registering to vote about his citizenship. It is possible, probable, that illegal aliens may vote in national elections. Portland is setting the precedent for this with the referendum appearing on their ballot this November. With the questionable tactics used by organizations such as ACORN, federal, state and local elections may be decided by a new voter bloc composed of illegal aliens in the United States.
It is time that the United States government lives up to its constitutional obligations and protects its citizens from enslavement by foreign nationals who are literally invading it. In towns and cities, large and small, law enforcement departments are not protecting their citizens from the infiltration of illegal aliens. It is the responsibility of government, from federal to city level, to arrest and prosecute anybody who is not legally in the United States. This is not being done and the results are bankrupting our country from both financial and security standpoints.
Wake up America! We are losing our freedom, liberty, security, and identity. We are being sold out by our President, our Congress, our appointed officials, our state, county, and city officials. Our country is being destroyed from within. Wake up and become involved.
On November 2, vote, and when you do, vote those candidates who will support out country. Vote for those who believe our republic is worth saving. Reject the special interest politicians who are self-centered and care only for the power, prestige, and financial gain the receive as politicians. Vote for the good of America.
The logic is that since they are living in Portland as legal aliens, are paying taxes, using the city’s services, that they should have a say in how the city is run. It goes deeper than that. Portland, among other things, is a city which offers sanctuary to illegal aliens, along with the State of Maine as a whole. While this is one more step in the destroying of the United States of America this action is not really surprising. as after all, it is Maine.
In April of 2004 Maine’s Governor John Badacci issued an Executive Order, “An Order Concerning Access to State Services by All Entitled Maine Residents”, making Maine the first sanctuary state in the US. Under his executive order, state employees are forbidden to ask about anybody’s immigration status. Because of this, illegal aliens, from any country, have unlimited access to all the privileges enjoyed by citizens of the United States, including the right to vote, driver’s licenses, welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, subsidized housing, in-state college tuitions, you name it. These, along with other benefits offered by Maine are denied to American citizens who reside outside of Maine. The bottom line is that illegal aliens are free to sneak into Maine and, free from any threat of deportation or criminal prosecution, be supported by the state while planning the overthrow of the United States.
By exempting illegal aliens from the law with an executive order, Maine is in violation of federal immigration laws. Specifically Maine is in violation of United States Code 8, 1325, section 274, 276, 277 and other statutes. It is a federal crime to “aid, abet, assist, encourage or induce an illegal alien to remain in the United States.” Baldacci has left himself open to federal prosecution.
Now then, considering the stand Eric Holder has taken on Arizona’s stand on illegal aliens, he is suing Arizona for enforcing the United States laws on illegal entry into the country, there is nothing to stop the spread of sanctuary cities and states, like Portland, Maine, across the country. As Holder’s position on Arizona is totally political there is no reason to suspect the United States Justice Department will take any action against Maine nor Portland.
The danger which exists is mind boggling, so immense as to be unbelievable. In Maine it is now illegal to question someone who is registering to vote about his citizenship. It is possible, probable, that illegal aliens may vote in national elections. Portland is setting the precedent for this with the referendum appearing on their ballot this November. With the questionable tactics used by organizations such as ACORN, federal, state and local elections may be decided by a new voter bloc composed of illegal aliens in the United States.
It is time that the United States government lives up to its constitutional obligations and protects its citizens from enslavement by foreign nationals who are literally invading it. In towns and cities, large and small, law enforcement departments are not protecting their citizens from the infiltration of illegal aliens. It is the responsibility of government, from federal to city level, to arrest and prosecute anybody who is not legally in the United States. This is not being done and the results are bankrupting our country from both financial and security standpoints.
Wake up America! We are losing our freedom, liberty, security, and identity. We are being sold out by our President, our Congress, our appointed officials, our state, county, and city officials. Our country is being destroyed from within. Wake up and become involved.
On November 2, vote, and when you do, vote those candidates who will support out country. Vote for those who believe our republic is worth saving. Reject the special interest politicians who are self-centered and care only for the power, prestige, and financial gain the receive as politicians. Vote for the good of America.
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