Monday, October 25, 2010

New Philadelphia Law Director Comments On Airport Resolution 47-2010

The front page article in the Times-Reporter this morning, Airport Resolution Ready To Take Flight, raises more questions about the reasons for passage of Resolution 47-2010. If, according to the comments by the Law Director reported in the Times-Reporter article of October 25, 2010, the resolution doesn't make any changes to the operation of the airport, including implementation of the Master Plan, why should it even be on the floor for consideration by New Philadelphia's City Council? To quote the T-R, "Johnson, in his letter of reply to Lautenschleger, added that he doesn't believe the resolution before council at tonight's meeting materially changes the airport commission, the airport or the city's view toward the airport."

Why is City Council pursuing a meaningless piece of legislation when there is more serious business to be attended to? Has the city council become so ineffective that it now spends its time on do-nothing resolutions?

The T-R article also reports, "Taylor said during the Sept. 20 meeting that he no longer was asking council to adopt the master plan because the FAA, which approved the plan in 2007, doesn't officially require council to adopt it." That is true of course, unless he wants the city to accept the plan and pay for it.

The seems to be more to this whole issue than meets the eye. Look out New Philadelphia. We haven't heard the end of this yet.

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