If you don’t believe your liberty is in jeopardy, think again. If you think the Judicial Branch of the United States government is going to protect you by enforcing the United States Constitution, think again. If you think the Obama administration is going to prevent the overthrow of our country by foreign powers, think again.
On Tuesday, the 26th of October, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals invalidated Arizona’s Proposition 200 which was passed in 2004. Proposition 200 required Arizona voters to produce proof of citizenship to register to vote and produce photo identification, or two pieces of non-photo identification, to actually cast a ballot in any Arizona election. What the Court of Appeals did was open the voting booths to anyone who walks in, with no restrictions, no proof of citizenship.
In the first four years Proposition 200 was in effect,, 30,000 aliens were prevented from registering to vote in Arizona. The Ninth Circuit Court, in defiance of the United States Constitution, made it possible for anybody, Mexican illegals, Muslim terrorists, Guatemalan illegals, anybody, to vote in elections for candidates at any level of government, from dog catcher to the President of the United States, without proof of citizenship.
Should this be a surprise? Not when you consider Maine which, by executive order, has forbidden officials to ask anybody what their citizenship is. (See the October 5 blog, Non-Citizens May Be Permitted to Vote In Maine Elections.) Next on the list of states to be sold out by the judicial system will probably be Georgia, the only other state with a citizenship mandate requirement for registration and voting.
A joint statement by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer and Secretary of State Ken Bennett, both Republicans, called the ruling "an outrage and a slap in the face to all Arizonans who care about the integrity of their elections."
In the mistaken and misguided effort to increase the number of people taking part in the electoral process, the courts and state and local election boards have relaxed the requirements for voting to the point where balloting by non-citizens is permitted with little, if any, confirmation of the legitimacy of the applicant to vote. The result is an unprecedented increase of fraudulent voting in elections at all levels.
In recent elections, including this one, we have seen groups like Acorn flooding the system with fraudulent registrations, felons voting, people going to the polls to vote for one candidate only to find the computer screen has already cast a ballot for the other, or to find someone has already cast a ballot, absentee or otherwise, in their name.
Voting registration should not be easy in these times when the continued existence of the United States is at stake. The Constitution requires citizenship, proven, undeniable proof of citizenship, to vote in the United States.
Voting is a privilege which comes with citizenship. Voting is a part of the American tradition which was bought with the blood of Americans, not illegals from Mexico or other foreign countries. The right to vote was not purchased by liberals on the left who want to impose their socialist ideals on United States citizens. It was wrenched by the common man from the monarchs of the British Empire. It was preserved by citizens who died in battles around the world and twice saved it from dictatorships. No court ever gave the United States of America its freedom. It was won and preserved by the common man, not the lawyer.
Wake up, America. You are losing your liberty and freedom. Make the decision now. Will you submit to the tyranny of those who will take your liberty from you or will you decide that freedom is worth the price of self-sacrifice, even to death if necessary?
Do not accept decisions such as those made by the Ninth Circuit Court passively. Be prepared to defend the United States Constitution from all enemies, both within and without.
There is no longer a neutral ground in the United States. You have to make the choice. Tyranny or freedom. The first is free, the second is not. Are you willing to pay the price?
On Tuesday, the 26th of October, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals invalidated Arizona’s Proposition 200 which was passed in 2004. Proposition 200 required Arizona voters to produce proof of citizenship to register to vote and produce photo identification, or two pieces of non-photo identification, to actually cast a ballot in any Arizona election. What the Court of Appeals did was open the voting booths to anyone who walks in, with no restrictions, no proof of citizenship.
In the first four years Proposition 200 was in effect,, 30,000 aliens were prevented from registering to vote in Arizona. The Ninth Circuit Court, in defiance of the United States Constitution, made it possible for anybody, Mexican illegals, Muslim terrorists, Guatemalan illegals, anybody, to vote in elections for candidates at any level of government, from dog catcher to the President of the United States, without proof of citizenship.
Should this be a surprise? Not when you consider Maine which, by executive order, has forbidden officials to ask anybody what their citizenship is. (See the October 5 blog, Non-Citizens May Be Permitted to Vote In Maine Elections.) Next on the list of states to be sold out by the judicial system will probably be Georgia, the only other state with a citizenship mandate requirement for registration and voting.
A joint statement by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer and Secretary of State Ken Bennett, both Republicans, called the ruling "an outrage and a slap in the face to all Arizonans who care about the integrity of their elections."
In the mistaken and misguided effort to increase the number of people taking part in the electoral process, the courts and state and local election boards have relaxed the requirements for voting to the point where balloting by non-citizens is permitted with little, if any, confirmation of the legitimacy of the applicant to vote. The result is an unprecedented increase of fraudulent voting in elections at all levels.
In recent elections, including this one, we have seen groups like Acorn flooding the system with fraudulent registrations, felons voting, people going to the polls to vote for one candidate only to find the computer screen has already cast a ballot for the other, or to find someone has already cast a ballot, absentee or otherwise, in their name.
Voting registration should not be easy in these times when the continued existence of the United States is at stake. The Constitution requires citizenship, proven, undeniable proof of citizenship, to vote in the United States.
Voting is a privilege which comes with citizenship. Voting is a part of the American tradition which was bought with the blood of Americans, not illegals from Mexico or other foreign countries. The right to vote was not purchased by liberals on the left who want to impose their socialist ideals on United States citizens. It was wrenched by the common man from the monarchs of the British Empire. It was preserved by citizens who died in battles around the world and twice saved it from dictatorships. No court ever gave the United States of America its freedom. It was won and preserved by the common man, not the lawyer.
Wake up, America. You are losing your liberty and freedom. Make the decision now. Will you submit to the tyranny of those who will take your liberty from you or will you decide that freedom is worth the price of self-sacrifice, even to death if necessary?
Do not accept decisions such as those made by the Ninth Circuit Court passively. Be prepared to defend the United States Constitution from all enemies, both within and without.
There is no longer a neutral ground in the United States. You have to make the choice. Tyranny or freedom. The first is free, the second is not. Are you willing to pay the price?
“Prop. 200”, “House Bill 2013″ and “SB1070″
ReplyDelete0 = Arizona
3 = USA/ Our Constitution/ We the People of the United States
We are a country that is ruled by the Constitution (with all Amendments), and the Declaration of Independence, not by the majority of the day. When the uneducated do not know the principles in these documents, therein lays the problem in losing, so no one should be surprised when the dullards lose in court after being smartly challenged.
Last month of October 2010, our Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned Arizona’s requirement that people show proof of citizenship to register to vote or the 2004, “Prop. 200”. In the month of July 2010, our U.S. Federal courts have found the so called State of Arizona hate filled legislation namely “House Bill 2013″ and “SB1070″ Un-constitution (So much for the intellect of Jan Brewer, “Did you read the bills you signed?”). But we all know that they will go crying to the Supreme Court of the United States, please, please, please go. We will fight you in Arizona, any other state, and yes in Washington DC. We will not tire, we will not be silent and we will persevere, I promise you.
In my opinion the Republican Party has been taken over the most extreme of clans; the Baggers, Birthers and Blowhards (people who love to push their beliefs and hate on others while trying to take away the rights of those they just hate) and that’s who they need to extract from their party if they real want to win in November. Good Luck, because as they said in WACO, “We Ain’t Coming Out”.
I know the proponents of this law say that the majority approves of these laws, but the majority is not always right. Would women or non-whites have the vote if we listen to the majority of the day, would the non-whites have equal rights (and equal access to churches, housing, restaurants, hotels, retail stores, schools, colleges and yes water fountains) if we listen to the majority of the day? We all know the answer, a resounding, NO! You were all wrong then and you are wrong now!
I hope that every American, regardless of where he lives, will stop and examine his conscience about this and other related incidents. This Nation was founded by people of many nations and backgrounds. It was founded on the principle that all people are created equal, and that the rights of every person are diminished when the rights of one person are threatened. All of us ought to have the right to be treated as he would wish to be treated, as one would wish his children to be treated, but this is not the case.
Today we are committed to a worldwide struggle to promote and protect the rights of all who wish to be free. In a time of domestic crisis people of good will and generosity should be able to unite regardless of party or politics and do what is right, not what is just popular with the majority. Some people comprehend discrimination by never have experiencing it in their lives, but the majority will only understand after it happens to them.