Well, the gun control idiots win another one. In their premise that the forbidding of legal gun carry on school campuses will prevent violence to students, they provided another opportunity for another shooting incident in which students have been injured. A malcontent started shooting at 7:30 this morning, Monday, February 27, with no fear of being challenged by anyone.
While the news is somewhat scarce, the following seems to be apparent. An unnamed student last night broadcast his intent to bring a weapon to school today on the Internet. This message was read by numerous people, students included. He then walked into Chardon High School this morning and opened fire injuring at least four other students. At the time of this writing the condition of the wounded has not been defined but reports indicate that they have been transported to medical facilities for treatment.
This incident, as did those of other school shootings, raises problems which authorities, school, law enforcement, and government, as well as parents, have failed to recognize, problems which are not discussed for political reasons rather than reasons of public safety, for reasons which wholly political.
First is the Second Amendment issue, the right of the people to have guns, to carry and use them in the protection of their liberty. The constitution gives the American citizen the right not only to own a firearm but to carry it and use it when threatened by anybody. Along with this right comes the responsibility to provide protection to one's family, friends, and other citizens in time of danger. Surprisingly, the Constitution of the State of Ohio provides the same thing.
So why is this important and how does it fit into the Chardon High School shootings? What would have been the result if there had been even one armed person in the high school at 7:30 this morning in the area where the shootings took place? Would the casualty rate be as high as it was? Would it even have taken place? Obviously we'll never know the answer to that, but we do know this - in every instance where there has been a criminal attack, the criminal was the only one present with a gun, or so he thought. It is strange isn't it, that places at which a large number of armed people are present, are not usually brought under attack by stray gunmen. People who want to create mayhem with firearms seldom choose places frequented by others who are armed and competent to protect themselves.
The argument is used that the legally armed citizen is not need in these situations as we have trained law enforcement officers who can handle these situations. I have the greatest respect of law enforcement professionals and would feel very secure if they were on site when a shooting went down, but that is seldom the case. Police officials do not prevent crime, such as happened at Chardon, rather they clean up the mess after it is over. This is not a default towards their ability or dedication, merely a statement of fact.
Had someone legally armed been present could this shooting have be avoided? Possibly. But with no-one present who could have met the shooter's force with force, could it have been avoided? That answer is obvious. With at least four people wounded it is obvious that not only it couldn't be avoided, but it wasn't.
And what about that Internet message? Why was this not reported? It was read. What sort of responsibility was tossed aside by those who read it? Why was it not reported by those students, and others, who read it. Did student's parents have a clue what their children were reading on Facebook, or did they even care? Did the school administrators hear of the threat, and if they did, what did they do about it? With 1,100 students, their parents, school employees, and who knows who else had access to postings, how is it possible that the warning wasn't seen and acted upon? It is called responsibility to do something in a case like this, but responsibility failed completely once again.
So why the stupidity against firearms in schools, government buildings, at home? For the very reason that the Second Amendment was enacted in the first place, to protect ourselves from the government at all levels. Restrict gun ownership to the citizen and you restrict his liberty. Take away the guns from the citizen and you restrict his freedom. Prohibit the citizen from carrying guns and you prohibit his freedom. Take away the right of the citizen to defend himself and you take away his very life.
There is a lesson to be learned from the Chardon High School Shooting but government won't learn it. Guns don't kill people. It's the guy who holds and fires the gun who does. A lone gunman bent on rape, murder, robbery, or as in this case, shooting up another school, is hesitant to attack any place at which there may be others who are armed.
Chardon High School students were shot this morning because those in power believe the insanity that if the good guys are prohibited to carry weapons the rest of us will be safe and secure. Another example that not idiots are politicians, but all politicians, well, maybe I shouldn't go there.
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