Thursday, February 9, 2012

Obama Sticks It To BP And All Of Us

Want to know why gasoline prices are high? The following isn't the only reason, of course, but it sure won't help. It was reported today that:

BP is reportedly in negotiations with U.S. officials to settle pollution claims related to the Deepwater Horizon spill. The government is seeking fines of up to $4,300 for each of the 4.1M barrels spilled, which could leave BP liable for as much as $17.6B. BP is also said to be in settlement talks with other firms tied to the disaster.

Let's face it. BP had a problem which made the national news, the world news as well. But in the last analysis, the lasting damage was minimal, its results lasting difficult to find. Was it negligence? To some degree. Was it life threatening to masses of people, wildlife, and the ecology? To some degree. Was it the worse disaster the country has seen? Not by a long shot. Mount Saint Helen's created more pollution and destruction over a wider area than the BP oil spill no matter what criteria you use. That explosion was so destructive that it was beyond the imagination of even the government to come up with a solution.

But the BP spill did serve a major purpose of the Obama regime. It gave them a way to attack the economy of the United States. Claiming a major ecological disaster, which it was not, the Obama group headed by the EPA, shut down oil exploration, drilling, production, and increased unemployment, gasoline and diesel oil prices, reduced United States oil production, and, in the end, increased sales and profits to oil producers of nations in the Near East and South America. In a show of total ignorance, or if not that, another example of Obama's disregard of the welfare of the United States citizen, he increased the US's dependence on foreign oil to run our economy.

The BP oil spill was, perhaps, unavoidable. There was, and still is, talk of poor engineering, faulty construction, improperly made parts and components, and this may be true in part or in whole. The equipment problems have been solved. The ecological problems have been solved. Reparations by BP to those who suffered loss have been made. The problem, small in retrospect, has been resolved. Except for the retribution the Obama mob wants to serve on BP.

The problem, as usual, is that the end result of this government extortion against BP will cost the United States citizen plenty in the long run. Obama's answer to future oil spills was to cancel the Keystone pipeline. Huh. Did I hear correctly that Obama has a friend in the oil trucking business?

Which brings us to the world's greatest lie - Hi. I'm from the government and I'm here to help yu'.

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