Sunday, February 12, 2012

Obama Goals Destroying The American Republic

Are you better off than you were when Obama took office three years ago? If you are on welfare, a Muslim, in the United States illegally, on food stamps, a union worker at General Motors or Chrysler, a government employee, a terrorist, a drug dealer, too lazy to work, believe religion should be controlled by the government, approve the murder of infants and the yet unborn is a good thing, believe you are not smart enough to control your own life, believe the United States Constitution is worthless and not worth keeping, believe your slavery is the best plan for the future, think concern for the welfare of animals is more important than freedom and liberty for humans, then it has been a good three years for you.

On the other hand, if you believe in responsibility, want to make a life for yourself, love freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, want to control your own destiny, believe morality is a good thing, don’t want to be dependent on the government for your total existence, feel that if you take the risks in life that you deserve the reward, then it’s been a pretty lousy three years.

The problem is the people of the United States are being sold a bill of goods by the Obama politicians designed to put them into slavery and poverty, from which, this time, there will be no emancipation. It is strange that the fight to remove slavery from the United States, to free the Negro, to open opportunity to all men, once the dream of Martin Luther King, has, by Obama government edicts, been turned around. Government policies are destroying the ability of the people to better themselves. The Obama cartel has made it impossible for those who need it most, the poor and the middle class, to be become little more than slaves to Obama’s Communistic goals.

Consider the food stamp program. Granted, there are people who are not able to provide food for themselves, but when 46 million people in the United States, that’s one out of every seven, are receiving food stamps, supposedly because of their inability to work and take care of their own needs, there should be concern.

Unemployment, which according to government press releases, stands at 8.7%, a figure which only takes into account those who are on the unemployment dole and receiving money from the government. There is another 8-plus percent, which is not reported to the public, who have exceeded the current 99 week limitation for government unemployment money. Let’s get that straight. Almost nine percent of the available work force is getting paid not to work while another 8% are receiving nothing.

If you are at or below the poverty level, you qualify for a number of other goodies which include free cell phones, free medical care, free house repairs, free college or trade school education, free food bank groceries. It goes on and on.

If you are on drugs, are an alcoholic, have a nasty personality, you are eligible for government financial aid under SSI.

The government pays non-productive people, including illegal aliens, to the point where those on the government dole readily admit that it is more profitable for them to not work as, should they get a job, their take home pay will be less than what the tax paying public is giving them to remain idle. Remember that everything the government spends comes from taxes extorted from those who do work.

The government, under the direction of the Obama mob, has a single aim, to destroy the Union, take away our liberty, our freedom, and our Constitution, and replace it with a Communistic regime. The only way they can succeed is by turning the United States into a nation of slaves dependent on the government for their very existence.

Paying people not to work, making them rely on the government for their existence, is the first step. The result will be a total takeover of industry, the first step already taken with the government confiscation of Chrysler and General Motors. On-going efforts to destroy the financial system of the country by regulating the country’s banks out of existence, as shown by the housing mortgage disaster.

Obama’s plan is working. By paying off those without the ambition and drive to fend for themselves, by destroying self-reliance and responsibility, he is pulling us into a slavery deeper and more heinous than that ever experienced in the pre-Civil War South.

Forcing dependence of the citizen on the government is a concept which Americans fail to understand. Paying individuals for not working at the expense of those who provide jobs and those who work those jobs through the oppressive powers of government, serves no purpose other than to increase the possibility of the installation of a the fascist regime which is growing under the Obama regime. Its purpose is to increase dependence of Americans on the government in hopes of surviving a crumbling economy, the demise of which can be traced back to the Senate days of Obama and his cohorts.

If there is any question as to the inefficiency of government control of society, look at the situation of the American Indian. For over a century the government has had the self-assumed responsibility for their welfare, and the government has failed in its responsibility. Take a trip to the West. Visit the reservations. Talk to the Indians. It will be an eye-opening condemnation of government administration.

It will take decades to repair the damage the Obama clique has created. The United States republic is dying, near death. It has to be stopped now or we lose all, forever.

Obama and his accomplices, Pelosi, Reed, Democrats in general, are leading the effort to turn the United States into a Communist state, and they are succeeding. Unfortunately they are being aided by the so-called Republicans who have yet to stand up against the Obama agenda. It has to stop and that depends on the American voter.

Citizens, get involved. Protect your rights, your freedoms, your property, your life. Get rid of the Obama mob. What they have accomplished in three years cannot be easily undone. Prevent them from taking all our liberties. Get involved.

1 comment:

  1. Pathetic, really pathetic. What are destroying America are far right wackos who want to transfer wealth to the richest 1%.
    You should examine your positions more carefully and see if they correspond to your ethical and religious standards. Calling Pres. Obama a Socialist or Communist is so far from the truth it is nothing short of an outright lie, and I was taught in Civics and at Sunday school that lying is bad and a sin, and doing so for advantage is even worse.
    On my political blog I've taken some heat from people by changing the name of the enemy party to Republicans. I say that simply because they can't do anything to help the Country out of the mess they created.
    They can't pass legislation
    They can't offer solutions
    They can't do anything but blame the President
    Frankly I, as I feel a lot of people are, sick of this. So really I offer a simple choice for Republican’s: Offer solutions or get out of the way for people who do. It's that simple. You are DESTROYING our Country. You claim how President Obama is trying to make a communist society but based ON FACTS Republicans want that. They want the rich to stay rich and the hell with everyone else.
    Actually, people like YOU are the real traitors. People like me are patriots. You're not a patriot; you're a white trash racist pig.
